Your first appointment

The first meeting can be hard.  Even more so if it involves ‘two of you’ as you both have to not only tell me your plan, but often tell your partner your plan.  (Note, I am not a counsellor and cannot resolve ‘who is right’.)

As a planner, I am going to want to know what your goals and objectives are.  For many of us, this can be difficult to articulate, particularly with a complete stranger.

To make it easier we only require limited information to begin with.  A snap shot.

Where are you now?  What do you want to achieve in the short term?

Why do you want to engage a planner and what do you think a planner can do for you?

Our preference is to receive this information ahead of our scheduled meeting so we can spend more time engaging with you and exploring the outcomes you want to achieve.


We will listen.

We will explore.

We will try to define ‘what you want to achieve’ and work out if it is realistic.

We will provide you with a summary and a possible course of action to follow.


“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.”

Narcotics Anonymous